Happy Holidays!
We will have a bit of down time over the Christmas / New Year period 🌟 Postal dates for shampoo orders between 23rd Dec - 4th Jan will be: - orders placed from 23rd - 28th Dec will be sent out on 29th December - orders placed from 30th Dec - 4th Jan will be sent out on 5th January. During this time there will also be delayed response to messages / queries as we take a bit of time out to relax 🍸 For dreadlock creation or maintenance services next availability is from Monday 16th January. Send Kelly a message if you would like to book in 💌
We would like to thank everyone who has supported us this year with the release of our dreadlock shampoo range. It's been wonderful to send our products all over the world and receive such positive feedback ❤
Happy holidays everyone! 🍹